Pertama Ferroalloys Holds Transformative Top Management Meeting 2023

Credit Source: Pertama Ferroalloys Sdn Bhd

The event, held at New World Suites Bintulu, was attended by Pertama’s top management, including General Manager Mr. Yuki Nakamura, Deputy General Manager Mr. Saito Kiminobu, and Assistant Deputy General Manager Mr. Tan Sze Yung (Jack Tan).

With a focus on innovation, collaboration, and sustainable growth, the meeting proved to be a pivotal moment in shaping the company’s trajectory in the years to come.

Pertama Ferroalloys Top Management Meeting 2023 is an executive meeting where Pertama brings together top managers from every department, to discuss their KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and their commitment to drive transformative ideas as well as making collaborative discussions on cutting-edge practices to improve Pertama’s overall production while also proactively looking after staff’s welfare.

During the meeting, General Manager Mr. Yuki Nakamura, took center stage to present the company’s new vision statement, which delivers its commitment to reducing the company’s competency gap, and redefining Pertama’s long-term business standards. 


“Management is not always easy. I try to look at Pertama from a third point of view perspective and think of ways that the management should take to maximize Pertama’s corporate value and social responsibility, balancing Pertama’s controllable & uncontrollable aspects in hopes of making them come together,” said Nakamura.

The vision emphasizes the importance of a continuous learning culture, establishing new rules phase-by-phase, and prioritizing sustainable business practices as drivers of lasting success.

Assistant Deputy General Manager Mr. Jack Tan also presented Pertama’s plans in utilizing bamboo as an alternative sustainable material to Acacia woodchips to reduce carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions, apart from Pertama’s CSR activities such as education funding with Yayasan Sarawak. 

The managers shared insights on their KPIs including the challenges and ways of combating production recovery in the rapidly evolving international market. In addition to the dynamic presentations, the meeting featured interactive breakout sessions and debate engagements in sharing best practices for quality and quantity improvement, targets for safety implementation, and exploring ways to navigate the ferrosilicon industry’s disruptions.

Mr. Yuki Nakamura concluded the Top Management Meeting with a clear vision and a comprehensive strategy, laying the groundwork for improvement projects marked by innovation and a steadfast commitment to delivering exceptional value to its customers and stakeholders.


About Pertama Ferroalloys Sdn Bhd:

Pertama Ferroalloys Sdn Bhd smelting plant is the first large-scale manganese alloys and ferrosilicon plant in Malaysia. The company produces and distributes manganese alloy products to the global steel industry while also prioritizing sustainability alongside profitability.